Have you ever noticed how some businesses just seem to be known for "certain stuff"?
...or for being really, really good at certain things?
Well, have you ever wondered how they got that way?
Some businesses just seem to get that reputation for being good at a very specific thing that separates them from the pack...but it's not by accident. They're superpower was crafted strategically...and you can craft yours the EXACT same way!
Well, it's time to start thinking about how your coaching business or consulting business can be different.
And I know that if you're anything like me, like analytics might not be your thing. So I created this tool for you to help you out here and make things super-simple. Just grab it and follow along!
So why should you focus on this?
Well, because if you do this the wrong way....
The good thing is if you get this right, you can...
First, you can start by doing a comparison and see where you fit.
Picture this...
... it's like a full parking lot at a mall.
And as you scan the mall there are very few empty parking spots.
But if you look at the right place at the right time...BAM!
...you find that one spot that's open, right!!??
So you hustle and you jump in there and claim your spot.
Well..what you want to do is find that empty parking spot in the mall of business!
First, you want to take a look at what's important to your clients.
List all the things that clients in your market feel are important. You may have to do a few interviews, browse some online groups, and read reviews of competitors services. But what's important here is that you understand the playing field.
You're trying to find out how your clients keep score! (use the tool to see examples)
Next, take a good look at your list. Give yourself an honest assessment at how you deliver on these attributes your clients fine important.
Rate your business in terms of how well, or how challenged it delivers on these things.
Once you have a list of client needs, and you've rated yourself on delivery, you can move on and do the same for your competitors. This will allow you to take an honest look at the playing field.
REMEMBER: This isn't a personal reflection of YOU. Not all business can be all things to all clients. This is about taking an objective look and seeing where you can capitalize...
...and find your spot.
It may sound easier said than done. That's why I'm giving you access to this free tool.
Time to Find Your Spot!
I want you to go through the process and just use it. Discover what you are (or can be) really good at, and your competition may be lacking.
...and see if you can fill the spot. Don't forget to use the tool I'm providing you!
I even created a video to show you how to use it!
I don't want anything from you except for maybe circle around and tell me what you think.
So again....
First, take a look at what's truly important from the perspective of the client.
Then, take a good assessment of where you rate in terms of strengths and weaknesses.
Next, look where your competitors rank in terms of those same attributes.
And finally see if you can find the empty parking spot!
You've got this!!!
Good luck. And I will talk to you guys soon. Take care.
Categories: : Model