If your message regarding your coaching business isn't connecting with your ideal coaching clients, it could be for one of three reasons.
If your message regarding your coaching business isn't connecting with your ideal coaching clients, it could be for one of three reasons.
In other words, there's one of these three things that you haven't clearly defined and communicated. And I want to share those with you right now.
I've been doing this for a long time and one of the things that I see most often is when a coach has a really cool product...a really cool coaching program, and they put it out to the world..... and it just doesn't seem to be gravitating or connecting with their ideal clients. And 90% of the time it has to do with not defining one of these three things.
There's basically three things that you should clearly define for your ideal coaching clients. First, we have to make sure that we define who our ideal clients are.
Then make sure that you've defined what problem our coaching business or coaching program will help them solve.
Finally, map out the journey that they're going to take along the way.
These are the three things that add clarity to our conversation. And all three are crucial.
If we don't, for example, get crystal clear on who our ideal coaching clients are, then there's really no connection, right? There's no connection between what we do and the value that they get.
If we don't clearly define this problem our coaching business solves, the your ideal client don't see you as having the solution. If YOU can't define the problem as well as THEY can define the problem to you.... then there's going to be some gray area as to whether or not we really have the right solution for them.
And finally, the journey.
This always reminds me of when I was younger and we used to go on these long trips, like for a vacation or something similar.
My sister and I would always hound my my mother.....
"how long until we get there?"
"where are we going?"
"What's next?"
"Are we out of this state?"
"Are we in the next state. yet???"
I'm sure you know exactly what I'm saying here! We just didn't know the journey.
But when your clients (or potential clients) have the journey in front of them, all those questions disappear... and they can enjoy the ride.
It's kind of like why people enjoy having GPSs, even when they really know where they're going! It's always comforting to know where the journey is.
And if you don't have that journey defined, our ideal clients will have no clear direction!
So it's really important you have these three things clearly defined because at the end of the day, there's three things that your potential clients want to know from us.
How do you do that? By getting crystal clear on who your ideal clients are, the problem that we solve for them, and the journey mapped out so they know what it looks like.
So, if your message isn't connecting, you may want to go back and take a peek to make sure that you have these three things defined.
I've created a great tool to help you get started. You can check it out right here!
I'd love to hear your comments below so go ahead and ask any questions and I will answer them.
Categories: : Model